Data license: CC BY 4.0 · Data source: Novel dataset reveals growing prominence of deep-sea life for marine bioprospecting · About: About MABPAT
- Patent_application_number
- Patent application number in corresponding patent system (Primary Key). Searchable
- Applicant_name
- Name of the applicant, linking to the Applicants table. Searchable
- Year_of_application
- The year the patent application was filed
- Patent_system
- The patent system (e.g., USPTO, EPO) under which the application was filed
9 rows where Applicant_name = "MITSUBISHI" and Patent_system = "JPO"
This data as json, CSV (advanced)
Patent_system 1
- JPO · 9 ✖
Patent_application_number ▼ | Applicant_name | Year_of_application | Patent_system |
JP1994253835A | MITSUBISHI | 1994 | JPO |
JP1995170985A | MITSUBISHI | 1995 | JPO |
JP1998327864A | MITSUBISHI | 1998 | JPO |
JP1999332408A | MITSUBISHI | 1999 | JPO |
JP2002045187A | MITSUBISHI | 2002 | JPO |
JP2004201547A | MITSUBISHI | 2004 | JPO |
JP2011067105A | MITSUBISHI | 2011 | JPO |
JP2017105836A | MITSUBISHI | 2017 | JPO |
JP2019062927A | MITSUBISHI | 2019 | JPO |
Advanced export
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited, object
CREATE TABLE Applications ( Patent_application_number TEXT PRIMARY KEY, Applicant_name TEXT, Year_of_application TEXT, Patent_system TEXT, FOREIGN KEY (Applicant_name) REFERENCES Applicants (Applicant_name) );