Data license: CC BY 4.0 · Data source: Novel dataset reveals growing prominence of deep-sea life for marine bioprospecting · About: About MABPAT
- Sequence_accession_number
- Unique identifier for the genetic sequence as specified in INSDC databases (Primary Key). Searchable
- Species_name
- Species associated with the sequence, linking to the Marine Species table. Searchable
- GC_content
- GC content of the sequence
- Sequence_length
- Length of the sequence
- Sequence_status
- Status of the sequence (e.g., confirmed, predicted)
- Is_protein_coding_sequence
- Indicates if the sequence is protein-coding (1 for yes, 0 for no)
- Is_annotated
- Indicates if the sequence has been annotated (1 for yes, 0 for no)
20 rows where Is_annotated = 1, Sequence_status = "observed" and Species_name = "Thermococcus litoralis"
This data as json, CSV (advanced)
Suggested facets: GC_content
Species_name 1
- Thermococcus litoralis · 20 ✖
Sequence_status 1
- observed · 20 ✖
Is_protein_coding_sequence 1
- 1 20
Is_annotated 1
- 1 · 20 ✖
Sequence_accession_number ▼ | Species_name | GC_content | Sequence_length | Sequence_status | Is_protein_coding_sequence | Is_annotated |
AX555788 | Thermococcus litoralis | 44.7702834799609 | 1023.0 | observed | 1 | 1 |
CS808194 | Thermococcus litoralis | 42.434988179669 | 846.0 | observed | 1 | 1 |
DD181415 | Thermococcus litoralis | 42.2365591397849 | 2325.0 | observed | 1 | 1 |
DD181416 | Thermococcus litoralis | 42.1935483870968 | 2325.0 | observed | 1 | 1 |
DD181417 | Thermococcus litoralis | 42.1505376344086 | 2325.0 | observed | 1 | 1 |
DD181418 | Thermococcus litoralis | 42.1505376344086 | 2325.0 | observed | 1 | 1 |
DD181419 | Thermococcus litoralis | 42.1935483870968 | 2325.0 | observed | 1 | 1 |
DD181420 | Thermococcus litoralis | 42.1935483870968 | 2325.0 | observed | 1 | 1 |
DD181421 | Thermococcus litoralis | 42.1505376344086 | 2325.0 | observed | 1 | 1 |
DD181422 | Thermococcus litoralis | 42.1935483870968 | 2325.0 | observed | 1 | 1 |
DD360333 | Thermococcus litoralis | 42.1935483870968 | 2325.0 | observed | 1 | 1 |
HB901388 | Thermococcus litoralis | 46.9011725293132 | 1194.0 | observed | 1 | 1 |
HB904687 | Thermococcus litoralis | 48.1680071492404 | 1119.0 | observed | 1 | 1 |
HB904689 | Thermococcus litoralis | 48.2573726541555 | 1119.0 | observed | 1 | 1 |
HB922511 | Thermococcus litoralis | 42.9738562091503 | 1224.0 | observed | 1 | 1 |
HB940078 | Thermococcus litoralis | 44.7845804988662 | 882.0 | observed | 1 | 1 |
HB959741 | Thermococcus litoralis | 45.7657657657658 | 1110.0 | observed | 1 | 1 |
HV189953 | Thermococcus litoralis | 43.8518518518519 | 675.0 | observed | 1 | 1 |
HV189956 | Thermococcus litoralis | 43.7037037037037 | 675.0 | observed | 1 | 1 |
HW906300 | Thermococcus litoralis | 42.5023877745941 | 1047.0 | observed | 1 | 1 |
Advanced export
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited, object
CREATE TABLE Marine_Sequences ( Sequence_accession_number TEXT PRIMARY KEY, Species_name TEXT, GC_content TEXT, Sequence_length TEXT, Sequence_status TEXT, Is_protein_coding_sequence INTEGER, Is_annotated INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (Species_name) REFERENCES Marine_Species (Species_name), FOREIGN KEY (Sequence_accession_number) REFERENCES Sequences (Sequence_accession_number) );