Data license: CC BY 4.0 · Data source: Novel dataset reveals growing prominence of deep-sea life for marine bioprospecting · About: About MABPAT
- Species_name
- Name of the marine species (Primary Key). Searchable
- Domain
- Taxonomic domain of the species
- Phylum
- Taxonomic phylum of the species
- Taxonomic_source
- Source of the taxonomic classification
- Is_deep_sea
- Indicates if the species is a deep-sea species (1 for yes, 0 for no)
- Deep_sea_source
- Source of information on the species' deep-sea status
- Is_ABNJ_present
- Indicates if the species is present in ABNJ (YES, NO, UNKNOWN)
285 rows where Domain = "Bacteria", Is_ABNJ_present = "UNKNOWN" and Taxonomic_source = "NCBI"
This data as json, CSV (advanced)
Suggested facets: Deep_sea_source
Phylum 19
- Pseudomonadota 164
- Bacteroidota 40
- Proteobacteria 28
- Cyanobacteriota 14
- Bacillota 6
- Plancomycetota 6
- Campylobacterota 5
- Cyanobacteria 4
- Actinobacteria 3
- Actynomycetota 3
- Calditrichota 2
- Chlorobi 2
- Chlorobiota 2
- Calditrichaeota 1
- Firmicutes 1
- Rhodothermota 1
- Synergistota 1
- Thermotogae 1
- Thermotogota 1
Is_ABNJ_present 1
- UNKNOWN · 285 ✖
Domain 1
- Bacteria · 285 ✖
Species_name ▼ | Domain | Phylum | Taxonomic_source | Is_deep_sea | Deep_sea_source | is_ABNJ_present |
Aeromicrobium marinum dsm 15272 | Bacteria | Actynomycetota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Algibacter aquaticus | Bacteria | Bacteroidota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Algibacter marinivivus | Bacteria | Bacteroidota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Alvinella pompejana epibiont 6c6 | Bacteria | Proteobacteria | NCBI | 1 | 2018 | UNKNOWN |
Bacillus altitudinis | Bacteria | Bacillota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Bacillus tropicus | Bacteria | Bacillota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Bacillus xiamenensis | Bacteria | Bacillota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Caldithrix abyssi dsm 13497 | Bacteria | Calditrichota | NCBI | 1 | WoRDSS | UNKNOWN |
Caldithrix sp | Bacteria | Calditrichota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Calditrix abyssi | Bacteria | Calditrichaeota | NCBI | 1 | | UNKNOWN |
Candidatus endobugula sertula | Bacteria | Proteobacteria | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Candidatus pelagibacter ubique | Bacteria | Proteobacteria | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Candidatus sulfurimonas baltica | Bacteria | Campylobacterota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Candidatus sulfurimonas marisnigri | Bacteria | Campylobacterota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Cellulophaga omnivescoria | Bacteria | Bacteroidota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Chloroherpeton thalassium atcc 35110 | Bacteria | Chlorobi | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Chryseobacterium aquaticum subsp. greenlandense | Bacteria | Bacteroidota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Coccolithus braarudii | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Coleofasciculus chthonoplastes pcc 7420 | Bacteria | Cyanobacteria | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Colwellia maris | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Crocosphaera chwakensis ccy0110 | Bacteria | Cyanobacteria | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Crocosphaera subtropica | Bacteria | Cyanobacteriota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Cyanobium sp. med843 | Bacteria | Cyanobacteriota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Cyanobium sp. pcc 7001 | Bacteria | Cyanobacteria | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Cyanobium sp. rs427 | Bacteria | Cyanobacteriota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Cyanothece sp. | Bacteria | Cyanobacteriota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Desulfomicrobium baculatum | Bacteria | Proteobacteria | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Desulfomicrobium baculatum dsm 4028 | Bacteria | Proteobacteria | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Desulfotalea psychrophila lsv54 | Bacteria | Proteobacteria | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Dethiosulfovibrio peptidovorans dsm 11002 | Bacteria | Synergistota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Dokdonia donghaensis dsw-1 | Bacteria | Bacteroidota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Ectothiorhodospira sp. phs-1 | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Flavivirga rizhaonensis | Bacteria | Bacteroidota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Flavobacteria bacterium bbfl7 | Bacteria | Bacteroidota | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Flavobacteriaceae bacterium | Bacteria | Bacteroidota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Flavobacteriales bacterium | Bacteria | Bacteroidota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Flavobacteriales bacterium brh_c54 | Bacteria | Bacteroidota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Flavobacterium aquatile | Bacteria | Bacteroidota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Flavobacterium branchiophilum | Bacteria | Bacteroidota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Flavobacterium crassostreae | Bacteria | Bacteroidota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Flavobacterium psychrophilum | Bacteria | Bacteroidota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Flavobacterium sp. tab 87 | Bacteria | Bacteroidota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Flavobacterium sp. umi-01 | Bacteria | Bacteroidota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Fulvimarina pelagi htcc2506 | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Fulvimarina sp | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Glaciecola punicea acam 611 | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Halomonas maris | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Halomonas sp. htnk1 | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | UNKNOWN | ||
Hoeflea sp. ec-hk425 | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Hydrogenovibrio thermophilus | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 1 | | UNKNOWN |
Hyphomonas hirschiana vp5 | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 1 | | UNKNOWN |
Hyphomonas pacifica | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 1 | | UNKNOWN |
Hyphomonas polymorpha ps728 | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Kordia sp. tara_039_srf | Bacteria | Bacteroidota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Lysobacter maris | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Maribacter hydrothermalis | Bacteria | Bacteroidota | NCBI | 1 | | UNKNOWN |
Marinactinospora thermotolerans dsm 45154 | Bacteria | Actynomycetota | NCBI | 1 | | UNKNOWN |
Marine actinobacteria clade | Bacteria | Actinobacteria | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Marine actinobacterium | Bacteria | Actinobacteria | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Marine actinobacterium phsc20c1 | Bacteria | Actinobacteria | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Marinobacter confluentis | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Marinobacter fuscus | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Marinobacter manganoxydans mni7-9 | Bacteria | Proteobacteria | NCBI | 1 | 2018 | UNKNOWN |
Marinobacter nauticus | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Marinobacter salarius | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Marinobacter salinexigens | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 1 | | UNKNOWN |
Marinobacter santoriniensis nksg1 | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 1 | | UNKNOWN |
Marinobacter sp. ac-23 | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 1 | | UNKNOWN |
Marinobacter sp. b9-2 | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Marinobacter sp. bw6 | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Marinobacter sp. c18 | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Marinobacter sp. cp1 | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Marinobacter sp. dsm 26671 | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Marinobacter sp. en3 | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Marinobacter sp. t13-3 | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Marinobacter vinifirmus | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Marinobacter vulgaris | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Marinomonas gallaica | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | UNKNOWN | ||
Marinomonas profundimaris | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 1 | | UNKNOWN |
Marinomonas sp | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Marinomonas sp. | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Marinomonas sp. c1424 | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Marinomonas spartinae | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Marinomonas ushuaiensis dsm 15871 | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Maritimibacter sp | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Methylophaga aminisulfidivorans mp | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Methylophaga frappieri | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Methylophaga nitratireducenticrescens | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Methylophaga thiooxydans dms010 | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Microscilla marina atcc 23134 | Bacteria | Bacteroidota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Microscilla sp. pre1 | Bacteria | Bacteroidota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Moritella sp | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Moritella sp. | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Moritella sp. pe36 | Bacteria | Proteobacteria | NCBI | 1 | 2018 | UNKNOWN |
Moritella viscosa | Bacteria | Proteobacteria | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Neptuniibacter sp. phe_28 | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Nitratireductor aestuarii | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Nitratireductor indicus c115 | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 1 | | UNKNOWN |
Nitratireductor sp | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Nitratireductor sp. stc3 | Bacteria | Pseudomonadota | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Advanced export
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited, object
CREATE TABLE Marine_Species ( Species_name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, Domain TEXT, Phylum TEXT, Taxonomic_source TEXT, Is_deep_sea INTEGER, Deep_sea_source TEXT, is_ABNJ_present TEXT );