Data license: CC BY 4.0 · Data source: Novel dataset reveals growing prominence of deep-sea life for marine bioprospecting · About: About MABPAT
- Species_name
- Name of the marine species (Primary Key). Searchable
- Domain
- Taxonomic domain of the species
- Phylum
- Taxonomic phylum of the species
- Taxonomic_source
- Source of the taxonomic classification
- Is_deep_sea
- Indicates if the species is a deep-sea species (1 for yes, 0 for no)
- Deep_sea_source
- Source of information on the species' deep-sea status
- Is_ABNJ_present
- Indicates if the species is present in ABNJ (YES, NO, UNKNOWN)
41 rows where Is_deep_sea = 0 and Phylum = "Chlorophyta"
This data as json, CSV (advanced)
Suggested facets: is_ABNJ_present
Species_name ▼ | Domain | Phylum | Taxonomic_source | Is_deep_sea | Deep_sea_source | is_ABNJ_present |
Acetabularia acetabulum | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | NO |
Acetabularia peniculus | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | NO | |
Alvikia littoralis | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Bryopsis corticulans | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | NO |
Bryopsis maxima | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | NO |
Bryopsis plumosa | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | WoRMS | 0 | YES | |
Chloromonas sp. knf032 | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Codium barbatum | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | NO |
Codium fragile | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | NO |
Codium latum | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | NO |
Dunaliella | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Dunaliella bioculata | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Dunaliella salina | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | NO |
Dunaliella tertiolecta | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | NO |
Dunaliella viridis | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Lobochlamys segnis | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Mantoniella squamata | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | YES |
Micromonas commoda | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | YES |
Micromonas pusilla | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | WoRMS | 0 | 0 | YES |
Micromonas pusilla ccmp1545 | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Micromonas rcc299 3 | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | WoRMS | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Oltmannsiellopsis viridis | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Ostreococcus lucimarinus | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | YES | |
Ostreococcus lucimarinus cce9901 | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Ostreococcus sp. 'lucimarinus' | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Ostreococcus sp. 'lucimarinus'organisms | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Ostreococcus sp. rcc809 | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Ostreococcus tauri | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | WoRMS | 0 | 0 | YES |
Ostreococcus tauriorganisms | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Pediastrum duplex | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Pseudochlorella pringsheimii | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Pseudochlorella signiensis | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Pyramimonas cordata | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | NO |
Pyramimonas obovata | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | WoRMS | 0 | NO | |
Scherffelia dubia | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | YES |
Tetraselmis sp. gsl018 | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | UNKNOWN | |
Tetraselmis suecica | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | NO |
Ulva compressa | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | NO |
Ulva intestinalis | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | YES |
Ulva linza | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | WoRMS | 0 | NO | |
Ulva pertusa | Eukaryota | Chlorophyta | NCBI | 0 | 0 | UNKNOWN |
Advanced export
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited, object
CREATE TABLE Marine_Species ( Species_name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, Domain TEXT, Phylum TEXT, Taxonomic_source TEXT, Is_deep_sea INTEGER, Deep_sea_source TEXT, is_ABNJ_present TEXT );